Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Bridge Between 5 months

Already 5 months has passed since I came to middle school. I chose 16 words which best describes my first 5 months in middle school. I chose these words because they are the words that best describe my first 5months in middle school. There was much changes in middle school, I have no idea where to start! 'Locker' describes my struggling with opening my locker 5months ago I opened my locker with the instructions next to me trying again and again and again but now it's scripe, scripe, scripe click! done! I couldn't have ever imagined how easily I open my locker now, it is a good thing to know that I don't have to stress out every time I open my locker. 'Homework' and 'Grades' best describe my nervousness when I handed in my graded works and when the teacher would hand it back a few days later. I remember the shock when I saw the ENORMOUS C- on my homework, I think that nightmare was haunting me for a few weeks. 'Technology' is here because now I always use the computer and learn about them everyday, when I go to Humanities, and IT. I remember learning about Excel and Brochures. I think these words will make me realize all the change during these 5 months.

1 comment:

runescape rules said...

do you play runescape? tell me your account so We can be runescape BFFL"S